YFC 2019-2020 We want to say thank you for the work you are doing and we encourage you to continue. Every time when we sang the songs with the kids we saw so much joy in the eyes of the kids so it’s definitely worth it to do that ministry in the school. We feel honoured to spend time with the kids and we will miss them so much. God bless you and we will keep on praying for your ministry. Lots of Love The Volunteers
Hanna Wöβssner YFC 2018-2019 Q: How did you find working with us and the kids?
It was all in all a really good experience. Working with Willie and Tina was so easy. You always supported us as much as you can. If we had any questions you were there for us and tried it to make everything as easy as possible. Working with the kids was challenging. In the beginning it was hard for me to deal with the African mentality of the kids. Sometimes they didn’t want to listen. But just to see all of them happy when you’re coming in their classes – telling the story makes me smile every single week. It was so much fun and I really enjoyed the time!
Q: How did you find the outreach and what did you learn? The outreach was a wonderful experience. I was surprised by the many kids who actually came. I was excited how it will work out and it did go so well. The kids loved it and we did too. I learned that I can trust God so much more and that He hears our prayers. It was so less time to prepare the outreach but He made it the best out of it and had His hands above all.
Q: Would you recommend others to come? Yes of course. Just to see the difference of the life in Germany and South Africa, you could learn so much here. I really appreciate now what we all have. And on the other side you see that you can also be happy if you’re poor and don’t have so much money. I think it’s the best decision that I’ve ever made to come here and would really recommend other people to come!
Maike Bronner from Germany
If time was not limited, how would you have ministered those little ones?
I would have told them many other stories of Jesus and I would have tried to show them how great God’s love for them is. Moreover I would have taught them more Christian songs and make sure that they really understand the message of Jesus, which we tried to convey them.
Would you come back and work among those children if the Lord gives you that opportunity in future?
Yes definitely. I really enjoyed working and playing and singing with those children and I would like to spend more time with them and to tell them more about Jesus and God.
Would you recommend other young people to come to SA and work among those children?
Yes absolutely. For me the lessons with the children were fulfilling work. It is so much fun to do the lessons. The kids are so cute and friendly and they always want to hear a story of Jesus and God and to sing and just to have a good time.
Miriam Vollmer - From Germany - February-June 2017 How did your work among the children help you to grow in your walk with Christ? I can tell them about Christ and so I also learn new things about Christ. And the children are so happy when we come and for me it’s an example like that God is so happy when we come to Him and He loves us so much. Will you get involved in kid’s ministries in future? Yes I do before I come to South Africa also kids’ ministries. In a Sunday School where the kids from grade 5 come. So when I go back I want to do kids ministries again. But I must look how because I make Bible School. Is there any testimony you would like to share concerning your ministry to children? For me it is that the children learn so fast the song text. They like to sing the song. So I think that they maybe sing then the songs at home or somewhere else so the other people maybe learn also something about Jesus through the songs. Also that here in South Africa the kids are so open and happy. I have enjoyed the time very much in the school.
Tabea Stamminger - from Germany - Tabea’s testimony Montagu’s Gift primary school – October 2016 – May 2017
When i first come to this primary school in the beginning of my stay, I really didn’t know what to expect. My English was even worse that it is now and I haven’t taught in a class before, so I was a little bit nervous. But on the other hand, I was overwhelmed of the positive reaction of the kids towards us. Already in the beginning they were so openly and hugged us immediately, so it was easy for us to feel comfy quickly. After a few times teaching Bible stories, playing games, singing and doing other stuff in the classes, I felt more secure and felt God’s transformation of my heart. I trusted Him to stand beside me in every situation and this made me confident. During teaching i learnt so many things and grew a lot inside. After eight months staying in this beautiful country I gained so many valuable experiences, especially because of teaching. Also through telling and reading Bible stories I got a different view on God’s Word sometimes and that was nice to realize. I’m very thankful for this time and also for Willie & Tiana who helped us a lot and who became role models in faith for me. But most of all I’m grateful for God’s love in my life and that I encountered Him through so many people. I’m not lucky, I’m blessed!